26 AUGUST 2018

Pi Side View

Earlier this month, I added a giant, velvety blanket to the area of the room where the Hello Kitty pillows and other plushes reside. Since Pi enjoys burying herself under the pillows, I thought a soft blanket would bring extra coziness to the space (FYI, turtles love blankets).

After setting up the blanket, I brought Pi into the room and recorded her first encounter with the blanket. At first, she seemed to be weirded out by the sight of this unknown purple thing. :)

However, after spending several minutes in the room, Pi warmed up to the blanket and started exploring and crawling all over the blanket.

The addition of the blanket was a success! Pi likes being bundled in between the folds of the blanket and still be surrounded by her favorite pillows and plushes.

Pi on Purple Blanket Head Down

Pi on Purple Blanket Looking Up