Pi is a female red-eared slider (Trachemys scripta elegans) turtle. She is a semiaquatic turtle, meaning she lives partly on land and partly in fresh water.
She is named after the number Pi (a mathematical constant commonly used to calculate the area of a circle, and also defined as the ratio of a circle’s circumference to its diameter), due to her circular shaped shell when she was a hatchling. Pi was acquired on June 1, 2011 as a small hatchling, but her exact hatch date is unknown. Therefore, her unofficial birthday is March 14 to coincide with Pi Day for easy remembrance. She is approximately 7 years old, and her carapace (upper shell) length is 7.5 inches (19 cm).
Pi is a fairly low-maintenance turtle. When she is in her tank, she is mellow. When she is outside of her tank, she can be aloof. Her favorite things to do are eating, begging for food, sleeping, basking, and thoroughly scanning the tank for potential leftover food. Her favorite foods are ReptoMin pellets, Zoo Med sun-dried red shrimp, Wardley Turtle Treat, organic carrots, and organic red romaine lettuce (she does not like green romaine…).