9 AUGUST 2018

Pi on Hello Kitty

On weekends, Kelvin and I take Pi out of her tank and let her roam around the house. We assume Pi gets bored being confined in the tank all week and basking on the platform for hours, so letting her explore the house is a nice change of scenery.

In one of the rooms of the house, I have a pile of Hello Kitty throw pillows and various stuffed plushes on the floor. I didn’t know what to do with these pillows and plushes and did not want to get rid of them (they’re cute!), so I’ve swept them aside to the corner. Luckily for Pi, she discovered this pile of softness, and made use of them.

Pi on Floor

Pi loves to climb all over the pillows and plushes, often rearranging the pile in the process.

Pi on Hello Kitty's Face

After Pi decides she has had enough of exploring, she buries herself under Hello Kitty and falls asleep for hours.

I suppose Pi enjoys the coziness and warmth under the pillows. Furthermore, the pillows function as a protective cave for her, and therefore she can sleep in darkness and feel safe (turtles love caves). Pi recognizes the pile of pillows, and she even knows which room to go into to find the pillows without our help! Because of all that, I like to call this area of the house Pi’s Hello Kitty Fortress of Solitude. Once Pi is under Hello Kitty, she does not want to be disturbed!

Pi in between pillows